Add Machine

Whether starting from scratch or allowing a new computer to upload documents to the website, follow these instructions.

Access Control

Magnet website includes security features to disallow the public from uploading new documents. This is done via SSH and git through the use of public/private keys. In order to upload new documents, a user will have to generate their own keys, then upload them to the git host (e.g. openshift) or get a currently existing user with access to upload their key for them.

Install Dependent Software

Before configuration, a user must install software.


  1. Install mysgit and enable all command line tools


  1. Install openssh and git from your package provider
  2. e.g. if apt/debian: apt-get install openssh git
  3. e.g. if yum/redhat: yum install openssh git
  4. e.g. if mac: install hombrew, then brew install openssh git

Generate Keys

  1. From windows, right click on desktop, click Open git bash here. From unix based system, simply open terminal
  2. Type ssh-keygen -t rsa and press enter
  3. Follow on screen instructions

Upload Keys

  1. From your user’s home directory, go in to the .ssh folder
  2. Open the file .pub that you just made (e.g. with vim or notepad
  3. Copy the entire contents of the file


  1. Log in to your openshift account
  2. From ‘settings’ click ‘Add a new key...’
  3. Copy entire contents of public key to text box and save

Roll your own server

  1. Place your public key contents in the authorized_keys section on your server